Pranaya Yoga Studios’s, (CYS), 200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training program is certified by Yoga Alliance (RYS 200) and is a complete and progressive learning experience that will deepen your knowledge and build a solid foundation to become a working yoga teacher.
You will deepen your knowledge of:
What’s YOUR story?
Be able to structure and teach a vinyasa class
Be knowledgeable of different yoga styles
Understand the art of observation and be able to assist students in their asana practice
Understand the basic, core principles of the philosophy of Yoga - primarily the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Have learnt the ethical codes and conducts (according to the yamas/niyamas) and understand the importance and relevance of translating them into lifestyle practice as a teacher and role model to your students
Be able to teach and incorporate basic meditation, yoga nidra and breathing techniques into your class
Understand the chakras and how to balance them
Have learnt the Sanskrit names for fundamental asanas and know correct pronunciation of select sutras/chants
Inspire people, one yoga class at a time and truly fall in love with yourself – body, mind and soul!
No formal prior experience is required, however, we recommend that you have a regular yoga practice before joining the CYS Yoga TTC. For example, Yoga Alliance UK recommends at least 2 years of yoga experience in order to meet the standards of their certification.
We understand that it is not the time - but the intensity of your practice that matters. Thus we recommend that you should be well established in the following basic postures at least: paschimottanasana (intense forward fold), urdvha dhanurasana (bow) & sarvangasana (shoulder stand).
It is also helpful that you have a basic understanding of yoga, its practice, principles, and philosophy. This should include the importance of a vegetarian diet and the ethical conduct as outlined by the yamas/niyamas. A deep knowledge is not required when you initially enroll into the course, but a basic understanding is. You can get a good understanding of these principles by going through the reading list.
The 200-hour YTT is meant to serve as an introduction to your journey as a teacher. We strongly believe that discipline and continuous study is an integral part of your experience and development as both a student and a teacher of yoga.